Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Growing Up

When Noah is on a chair, on the couch, on the table, or in the bathtub he likes to look at me with a smile and slowly stand up until I say, "sit down". I must admit, I don't say it very nicely but he always chuckles and sits down. We've done this for awhile and yesterday I noticed him saying something while he was on the table. "sit down! sit down!" haha! it makes me laugh so much. This morning I was on the phone with my mom and I was telling her about it. As soon as I said it, you could hear Noah in the background... "sit down" over and over. Mom thought it was hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing at him. He really does crack me up all the time.

Another thing he's been doing lately is driving! Noah and I are usually outside playing when Ammon gets home from work. As soon as Noah sees the truck pull into the driveway he gets all excited to "drive". He runs right to the passenger side door, Ammon lets him and and he goes to town! He turns the wheel, uses the turn signals, he even shifts! He honks the horn and today Ammon taught him how to turn his hazard lights on. He tries to make car noises, which is pretty funny. It's usually a high pitched tongue roll. Ha! He'll stay in there as long as you'll let him. I should get a video of it before it's not so cute anymore.

And I'll leave you with a picture of Noah. He looks so much older to me these past few weeks! Maybe it's because his hair is getting thicker? Not sure... I haven't taken many pictures lately. I think it's partly due to the whole clingy thing. I told Ammon that I'd like to take some portraits of our family soon. Hopefully we can make that happen. This picture was taken at Sciworks last week. My good friend, Shanna and I took all the kids there. It was fun to get out and be with friends for awhile.

2 friends stopped by:

Queen Karana said...

Oh dear, I think he's growing up! He definitely looks more little boy-ish than a baby!

Diane said...

Ohmygosh...he does look so old. He has grown in just several weeks since we've been there! His hair is getting thicker, huh?
Oh...and the "s'Dowwwwn" is soooo cute! I want a cd with him saying it...over and over. It cracked me up.

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