Thursday, November 13, 2008

Locked Out!

You might have read my to-do list from last Saturday. Well, since I had written it down, I was much more motivated to actually do it. I got up from the computer, put a load of laundry in and then went to look at my picture frames. I found one that I wanted to use but I didn't like the color of the wood. I decided to take it outside and spray paint it black. Griffin was asleep in his room and Noah was playing. I walked out the front door and saw Noah watching me through the glass door. I proceeded to put a coat of paint on this frame which probably took about 15 seconds. When I turned around to come inside, the front door was closed. No problem, right? WRONG! Noah had flipped the deadbolt and locked me out of the house!! I tried to talk to him through the door to let Mommy in... He wasn't understanding. He tried to turn the knob but didn't understand that he had to turn the deadbolt. Now, Ammon was out of town on a camp out which means that house was locked up tight. Every window, every door was locked. We don't have a key hidden outside so there was no easy way in. I told Noah that I was going to be right back and I ran across the street to my neighbor's. I told them that I was locked out of my house and my babies were inside. I used their phone to call my in laws. I knew that they had a key to our house. I got up with Will and he said that he was on his way. It's about a 30 minute drive from his place to ours so I ran back to my house to talk to Noah. Luckily he stayed in the living room and I could see him through our front window. He found a bag of fritos, threw everything off the coffee table and played with his flash cards. He talked to me through the window and we did the itsy bitsy spider a thousand times trying to make the time pass. My neighbor came over while I was still waiting and started talking to me about a time he locked himself out of the house in the winter... That was nice and all but all I wanted to do was keep Noah engaged so he wouldn't roam the house or get upset. My neighbor prayed for us and then left. Noah tried to unlock the door a few more times but to no avail. Finally Will pulled up on his motorcycle and gave me the key. Thank you Will!! I spent about 45 minutes locked out and I'm so grateful that Griffin was sleeping and Noah was happy. Things could have been much worse!

6 friends stopped by:

Ammon said...

I guess since I was gone Noah was the man of the house and decided to restructure control of the house. That kid is smart I better watch out for a mutiny.

Mommydew said...

You've been having some fun experiences lately! I might need to give a friend a key to our house...if Kevin were out of town and I got locked out...I'd be in trouble!

meg said...

oh my gosh...that must have been so scary jess! The Lord was watching over ya'll, for sure. :-)

Cortney said...

How scary! I would've been freaking out!

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

Great story. Years from now, you'll look back and laugh. Too bad the kids aren't old enough to have a memory, it's things like this that help put life in perspective.

Jenny Whiting said...

hey, I did the same thing, too, shortly after we moved here. I took the trash out and the door closed and locked behind me. Kyle was watching TV...he was 1, almost 2. Except I didn't really have anyone to neighbor and another guy close-by helped me out by climbing up our deck to the 2nd floor and getting in through the deck door which was miraculously's usually locked. Yeah, it was scary. Kyle was just sitting there still watching TV...thank goodness for the TV sometimes! hey, and funny how we have the same taste...I just picked the same blog background earlier today. :)

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