Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Head start on a New Year’s resolution

I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions… mostly because I stink at them.  I’m really hard on myself when I don’t follow through on things. 

So this year, well this year I’m getting a head start.  If what “they” say is true, in 21 days my habit will already be formed.  That means when I ring in the New Year, or sleep through it entirely like I usually do, I will already be rocking my resolution. 

My little life is awesome.  In many ways, I’m living my dreams and there are lots of fun things on our horizon.  My New Year’s resolution will be to document our lives on this blog at least once per week.  Maybe I’ll get to it everyday, but I don’t want to commit to something so intense.  I should be able to handle once per week just fine.

Wish me luck!

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