Thursday, June 14, 2007

time to blog

i cannot believe that the last time i posted was back in january! noah is growing up so fast! he is 9 months old now and has mastered crawling. he is pulling up on things and i think he would walk forever (with assistance) if we would let him. he walked so much this past weekend that he had baby blisters on his feet! aww... he has become such an awesome sleeper! ammon and i have stopped rocking him to sleep and have taught him to put himself to sleep. while i really miss rocking him all the time, this has really helped us and it has helped noah a lot too. he has been sleeping about 10-12 hours every night and naps like a champ! seriously... he sleeps a lot but is such a happy energetic baby that i try not to worry about it. he is still loving his baby food and occasionally he'll enjoy what ammon and i eat for dinner. he loves my chicken pie and this creamy chicken stuff that i put over fettuccine. oh, and we can add graham and ritz crackers to his list of favorites. he is getting to be so fun and playful and ammon and i are in heaven. i am so blessed to be his mom.

i got an ipod for my birthday! my in laws, will and ginger, got it for me and i love it! it is black and has 8g of memory and stores 2,000 songs! i've been listening to it all the time since i got it. i listen to it in the car, at the gym, and even at home. ammon laughs because i choose to listen to my ipod instead of pumping the same music through the surround sound. what can i say? i'm in love. many many thanks to will and ginger!

MOVIE REVIEW: Because I Said So
don't see this one! it was terrible. so raunchy and disgusting. we watched it last night with the huff's and there were many moments when i thought we should turn it off but i didn't. just sat there and let the filth pour into my home. i think we all felt this way. not only was the movie raunchy, the story line was no good. so if you want my opinion, don't see it!

my little sister, megan, graduated from high school this past weekend! with a 4.0 gpa!! way to go megs! my whole family got together for the occasion (except laurie's husband jeremy) and it was so great to see everyone! my grandparents, great aunt, aunt, and cousin all came too! it was a full house but we sure did have fun. megan is headed to byu provo this fall and i think she's going to have a blast out there. she is such a fun girl... i love her.

The sisters...

i took this awesome picture!

the fam

noah with his great grandma keller

noah with his great grandpa keller

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