Wednesday, February 18, 2009


A couple weeks ago, we went to a friend's birthday party.  It was a beautiful day outside and we were driving with the windows down.  Who knew that wind could make you giggle like this?!

3 friends stopped by:

Mommydew said...

Oh. My. Gosh! I love that video!!!

Diane said...

Noah has the most contagious laugh. He reminds me of Megan....laughter like a babbling brook, it just keeps coming and coming. I have laughed out loud over and over watching this, and I feel my heart melt each time, too!

I can't wait to go on a car ride with Noah this spring, and I want to sit in the backseat with him.


Diane said...


I saw Allison Larsen on Sunday and she told me that she loved this video!!

It IS terrific! When I need a smile I go to your blog, or Michelle's or Steph and Drew's and see my babies.

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