Friday, April 3, 2009

Sleep deprived but doing fine...

Griffin is an early riser.  We now have him sleeping through the night but he thinks waking up while it is still dark outside is ok.  Today, it was 4:45!!  I was able to get him to go back down for 45 minutes but still... not cool.  Poor Ammon had to get up after I nursed Griffin so I could shower and get ready for the day.  

Ginger was meeting me here at 7:30 to help me with the babies while I appeared in court for my ticket.  :(   All went fine with that.  Part of it was dropped completely and the speeding was reduced to improper equipment so no points on my license and no increase to my insurance.  The boys were great and I was so grateful that Ginger came with me to help keep them occupied and happy.  

This day has seemed never-ending.  Although I'm tired and worn out, I have had so much fun with my boys.  I love to watch them learn.  Two days ago, I taught Noah to say his first and last name when someone asks him what his name is.  "Noah Piatt"  He says it perfectly.  I've been teaching him the signs for his letters and he knows quite a few.  Ammon suggested that I teach him the first article of faith so, we're working on that too.  

Griffin is learning as well.  He is a pro at picking up his snacks and getting them to his mouth.  Since he loves food so much, I put a trail of puffs along the carpet and he started crawling!  Well, sorta.  It's more of an army crawl but, it's progress.  I guess I should invest in some gates.  When Noah was his age, we lived in our apartment and I didn't have to worry about stairs.  I'm praying for no injuries with Griffin's newfound mobility.

Ammon will be gone tonight with some friends and I'm kinda excited about the idea of going to bed early.  Super early.  Like as soon as Noah gets tucked in, I'm out.  If Ammon were here, I'd want to snuggle up and watch one of our shows.  I'd end up going to bed super late and then have to wake up at some horrendous hour.  But tonight, zzzzz....  8:30 - please come soon.

3 friends stopped by:

Mommydew said...

Ok, I just typed a semi-long comment and it disappeared before I hit the post button.grr! Anyway, I commented on my adorable nephews, stinkin's speeding tickets and teaching the articles of faith.

I've been meaning to post Lathen and Kieralee saying the first one, but haven't done it. I'll get on it maybe Noah would like watching them say it and then he can make a video for them to watch?!

Diane said...

I love these pics! Griffin almost did it when you guys were visiting. I knew it wouldn't be long. And he DOES love his treats!
And...did you flirt with the judge? How did you get it reduced? Dad goes later this month. He got caught on Erickson one day....just as he started going down the hill. UGH!!!
love you!

Ammon said...

If Jessica was good at flirting she wouldn't have gotten the ticket in the first place. Although when she smiles at me I give her anything she wants so maybe she saves all the good stuff for me. :-)

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