Thursday, March 5, 2009

Does every kid do this?

This is a regular sight at the Piatt household.  He will jump and jump and jump.  Does every kid do this?

ps - The painting above our loveseat was painted my Ammon's aunt, Nanette.  The Washington DC temple is where Ammon and I were married.  She took a picture of the temple that day and then painted that picture.  Beautiful, eh?  Thanks Nanette!

7 friends stopped by:

Mommydew said...

I love this picture!
I don't know about every kid, but I can tell you mine do it. ALL DAY!

The Katzbox said...

He'll do it until he learns how to fly...I'm just warning you....look at him...he's almost there....

Amy and David Ziehl said...

Oh man. My nephew Reid does this for hours on end. Good Luck!

dubby said...

Does he have a red cape and an "S" on his chest?

Beck said...

Ethnie does it all the time! But she'll jump off the couch...ottoman...chairs...beds...Anything that is above floor height, really. And that painting is gorgeous!

Diane said...

What happened to my comment??? I was the FIRST one to comment on this!!!
Anyway....I said, "yes...they all do". I remember you guys jumping from MY DRESSER onto our waterbed. Josh and Meg would yell "To Infinity and Beyond!!!" YOU climbed and jumped on EVERYTHING!

Cortney said...

Yes, all kids. Boys in particular. :) Jack has been my craziest!

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