Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Last night...

Ammon and I got the kids to bed and then we snuggled up in our bed to watch the movie, Bedtime Stories.  We heard Noah get up, which he does sometimes, but then things got quiet so we figured that he had gone back to bed.  When the movie was over, I asked Ammon to check on Noah to see if he was in his bed.  Noah has a pretty decent gap between the bottom of his door and the floor.  Ammon looked, and this is what he saw...

He knows that he's not supposed to come out of his room once we put him down...  This was as close as he could get.

4 friends stopped by:

Unknown said...

This is one of the sweetest things I have ever seen.

Mommydew said...

Aw, how cute!

Michelle said...

Oh, what a sweet boy. He minds so well, Jess.

gingerpiatt said...

That is soooo adorable!

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