Saturday, June 20, 2009

One year older...

It was my 24th birthday yesterday! Yep, I am almost a quarter of a CENTURY old... wow. Birthdays just aren't as fun as you get older but I enjoyed my day. We woke up early and were supposed to go to Lazy5 ranch with some friends. It was going to be so much fun but, Noah got sick and we had to stay home... We were planning on having a yard sale today (saturday) and since we had to stay home yesterday, we put our stuff out and did a yard sale both yesterday and today. We made a whopping total of $143.80. Not bad for a bunch of junk that we have held onto for WAY too long. Ammon hauled the rest of it off to Goodwill so we never have to see it again. Yay for simplifying!

Back to my birthday.

After the yard sale, we went down to Winston Salem to visit with Granny for awhile. She is such a great lady. I really enjoy the time we get to spend with her. She loves watching her great grandkids and I can tell that she enjoys watching Ammon be a daddy. : ) After our visit with Granny, we went to Target and shopped a little. I love that store and we don't have one here in Mayberry... We got a couple little things and then headed over to Chick-fil-a for dinner. Mayberry doesn't have one of those either. : (

My parents always made a BIG deal of my birthday growing up. The whole day was MINE. It started with me being able to sleep in until 10:26 am. Seems like an odd time, right? Well, I was born at 10:26 am so I always woke up to at least my mom, and sometimes others, singing Happy Birthday to me. I was doted on all day and Mom made me my favorite meal for dinner. I always got to blow out candles and open a few presents. I got phonecalls throughout the day from loved ones and my Grandpa Hebdon would always always always call and sing to me. Pretty great birthday, right?

This year was a little different.

I woke up at 6am to get ready for Lazy5 ranch. 6am is a little bit earlier than 10:26 am... I've never had a yard sale on my birthday before. Ammon didn't even say Happy Birthday til after 11am. He tried to make the day special but it's just not the same as when you're a kid. I DID get phonecalls from my family and that was so nice. 3 people sang to me on the phone. (including Grandpa Hebdon) Today my friend, Lisa brought me a delicious cake. Ammon stuck a match in it, sang Happy Birthday to me and I got to blow it out. : ) He took me out to eat and to the movies tonight. We saw the new Pixar movie, Up. It was great. I definitely teared up at the end.

Thanks to everyone who helped make my day special. Even though the excitement isn't the same as when I was younger, I really had a great birthday.

2 friends stopped by:

Diane said...

I miss our birthdays with our kids SOOOOOO much. Glad you have good memories.
Two dozen years. Wow.
I love you so much, sweetie. So very much.

Heather O'Pry said...

Happy belated birthday Jessie. Birthdays are more fun when you are little. I love to hear the traditions that your Mom passed down to her children. I loved the movie UP. I teared up at the end, but kept the tears to myself :). That is the only movie that Hunter has sat still for the entire movie.

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