Sunday, May 2, 2010

Preaching it

Noah was asked to read the scripture in Primary last Sunday.  The topic was Joseph Smith.  Ammon had found 4 pictures for Noah to use to memorize this "talk".  They went through it one time.  ONE TIME and Noah had it down.  Gigi was visiting our ward and was able to see him do it in Primary.  The boy did amazing.  He held the microphone with both hands, looked at his pictures and recited the entire thing.  Made his mama cry.  Later that evening, he did it for Pap and the Huffs.  Nana and Poppy weren't able to see it so, we did a little reenactment the other night before bed.

Ammon thinks it's comical how he's banging his scriptures while reading.  Preach it, man!

2 friends stopped by:

Craig said...

Noah did such a great job on his scripture during primary. I have to ask if you have heard him sing Follow the Prophet? He was belting it out in singing time today. It made us all laugh! Such a cutie! I have loved watching him grow up and learn. Thanks for sharing this. Keep up the good work guys.

The Katzbox said...

Oh my gosh....this was sooooo adorable. He really did great. Perfect exact. Did you notice his body language? When he ended his talk and was closing in the name of Jesus Christ, he leaned closer into the picture of the first vision.

HAHAHAHAHAH...he was totally into it.

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